Curriculum vitae
DI. Dr. Stephan Schwarzinger
Personal Information
- born January 1970 in Linz, Austria.
- married, two children
- Citizen of Austria
Current Position
Group Leader Prion
Research Group at the
Department of Biopolymeres
(Prof. Dr. Paul Rösch) at the University Bayreuth
Coordinator of the BioMedTec International Graduate School of Science (BIGSS) "Lead Structures of Cell Function" within the Elite Network Bavaria (ENB).
Summary of Qualifications
- 2006: Habilitation in "Biophysical Chemistry" at the University of Bayreuth.
- Summerterm 2006: Organization of the module "Biological
Macromolecules" of the Elite-Study-Program "Macromolecular
Sciences" at the University of Bayreuth.
- 2005: Training as Biological Safety Officer, deputy BBS at the Department of Biopolymers since 2006.
- Summer Term 2005
Organization of the Interactive Lecture "Progress
in Prion Research" of the Universites Bayreuth,
Erlangen-Nürnberg and Würzburg.
- Jannuary-February 2005
Research stay at the Scripps Research Insititue, La Jolla, with Prof.
Dr. Peter E. Wright to work on "Advanced Methods for the
Characterization of Unfolded Proteins", (funded by the Bavarian
Californian Technology Center BaCaTeC).
- October 2004
Organization of the First BaCaTeC
Summer School "NMR of Biomolecular Complexes".
- April 2004
Coordinator of the joint research project "Design of high-affinity,
conformation specific ligands for pharmaco-therapy of prion
protein-related diseases" of the Department of Biopolymeres (Bayreuth),
the Department of Neuropathology (Düsseldorf), and the Department
of Medicinal Chemistry (Erlangen-Nürnberg). Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

- April 2002
Research stay at The Scripps
Research Institute, La Jolla,
with Prof. Dr. David
A. Case to perform
molecular dynamics simulations of denatured peptides and
(funded by the Bavarian Californian Technology Center BaCaTeC).
- February 1999 - October 2000
Research Associate with Prof. Dr. Peter E. Wright
at the
Department of Molecular Biology, The
Scripps Research Institute,
La Jolla, California
- October 1995 - January 1999
Doctoral thesis on „Sequence Modified Myoglobins" with emphasis
on the preparation of mutants and fragments of myoglobins and their
reconstitution with bile pigments for structural investigations by NMR
spectroscopy (Supervisor A.
Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Norbert Müller)
- August 1997
EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Practical Course
on Biomolecular NMR, Il Ciocco, Luca, Italy
- July - December 1996, April 1997
Cloning and expression of a myoglobin mutants and fragments of
myoglobin at the EMBL
Heidelberg (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) in the group of Prof. Dr. Hartmut Oschkinat
- September 1994 - September 1995
Diploma thesis on „Conformational Analysis of Glucoside
Derivatives" with emphasis on NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling
(supervisor: A. Univ. Prof.
Mag. Dr. Norbert Müller, in cooperation with Hafslund Nycomed Pharma AG)
- September 1993
Summer-school on 1D and 2D NMR organized by the Austrian Chemical Society
- 1989 - 1999
Study of technical chemistry in combination with business
administration (WITECH -
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen technische Chemie) at the Johannes Kepler University,
Dipl.-Ing. (MS) received in September 1995, Dr. techn. awarded in
January 1999
- 1980 - 1988
High school with focus on physical sciences
Work Experience
Fundings and Fellowships
- Grant from the Volkswagen Foundation for the "Design of
high-affinity, conformation specific ligands for pharmacotherapy of
prion protein-related diseases", Coordinator, April 2004
- Grant from the Bavria California Technology Center (BaCaTeC)
for investigation of "Advanced Methods for the Characterization of
Unfolded Proteins" with Prof. Peter Wright at The Scripps Research
Institute, April 2004.
- Grant from the Bavria California Technology Center (BaCaTeC)
for the First International BaCaTeC Summer School "NMR of Biomolecular
Complexes", February 2004.
- Grant from the Bavria California Technology Center (BaCaTeC)
for investigation of "Conformational Preferences in Unfolded
Polypeptides" with Prof. David Case at The Scripps Research Institute,
November 2001.
- Grant from the Bavarian State Ministery for Science, Research,
and Art for "Rational Design of Drugs to Prevent Plaque Formation of
Human Prion Proteins", June 2001 (co-PI).
- Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship for postdoctoral research on
the folding of apo-myoglobin in at The Scripps Research Institute in
the group of Prof. Peter E. Wright awarded in May 1999 and 2000.
- Research Grant by the Capital of Upper-Austria, Linz, for
carrying out post-doctoral research in the group of Prof. Peter E.
Wright at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, awarded
in February 1999
- Fellowships by the Faculty of Technical and Natural Sciences:
Awarded in winter term 1996/1997, in summer term 1997, and in winter
term 1997/1998.
- Research Fundings by the Capital of Upper-Austria, Linz, for
investigating „Sequence Modified Myoglobins as Model-Compounds for
NMR", 1997 - 1998.
- Research Grant by the Government of Upper-Austria for the
Investigation of „Sequence Modified Myoglobins as Model-Compounds for
NMR", 1997 - 1998.
- Research Funding by the Capital of Upper-Austria, Linz,
(awarded to the applicant), for carrying out research at the EMBL
Heidelberg, October 1996 - December 1996.
- Fellowship by the Austrian Ministry of Science for studies at
the EMBL Heidelberg, July 1996 - September 1996.
For my extended CV or my list of publications, please contact me.