H.-G. Breitinger, N. Melzer, H. Rennert, U.
Breitinger, S. Schwarzinger, C.
Villmann, C.-M. Becker: A novel regulatory site within the TM 3-4 loop of
recombinant human α3 glycine receptors: a remote control for channel gating and
domain structure, submitted.
Griese, R. Jakob, S. Schwarzinger,
H. Dobbek (2006): Xenobiotic Reductase A in the Degradation of Quinoline by
Pseudomonas putida 86: Physiological Function, Structure and Mechanism of
8-Hydroxycoumarin Reduction, J. Mol.
Biol. 361, 140-152.
S. Schwarzinger*, A. Horn, J. Ziegler, H.. Sticht
(2006): Rare Large Scale Subdomain Motions in Prion Protein can Initiate
Aggregation, J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 23, 581-590.
Ziegler, C. Viehrig, S. Geimer, P. Rösch, S.
Schwarzinger* (2006): Putative Aggregation Initiation Sitesin
Prion Protein, FEBS Lett. 580,
Ziegler* & S.
Schwarzinger*(2006): Genetic algorithms as a tool for helix design
– computational and experimental studies on prion protein helix 1, J. Comp. Aided Mol. Design 20, 47-54.
A. Eisenmann, P. Neudecker, P. Rösch, S. Schwarzinger*
Treatment of Peak Intensity Uncertainties in NMR-Relaxation Data
Analysis Can Lead to Severe Artifacts, Chemical Monthly (Monatshefte Chemie)
135, 1089-1099.
P. Neudecker, J. Nerkamp, A. Eisenmann, A. Nourse, T. Lauber, K. Schweimer, K. Lehmann, S. Schwarzinger, F. Ferreira, P. Rösch (2004): Solution Structure, Dynamics, and Hydrodynamics, of the Calcium-bound Cross-reactive Birch Pollen Allergen Bet v 4 Reveal a Cannonical Monomeric Two EF-Hand Assembly with a Regulatory Function, J. Mol. Biol. 336, 1141-1157.
J. Ziegler, H. Sticht, U.C. Marx, W. Müller, P. Rösch, S. Schwarzinger* (2003): NMR and CD studies of prion protein helix 1: Novel implications for its role in the PrPC→PrPSc conversion process, J. Biol. Chem. 257, 50175-50181.
S. Schwarzinger, H. J. Dyson, P. E. Wright (2002): Molecular Hinges in Protein Folding: the Urea-Denatured State of Apomyoglobin, Biochemistry 41, 12681-12686.
S. Cavagnero, C. Nishimura, S. Schwarzinger, H. J. Dyson, P. W. Wright (2001): Conformational and Dynamical Characterization of the Molten Globule State of an Apomyoglobin Mutant with an Altered Folding Pathway, Biochemistry 40, 14459-14467.
J. H. Viles, B. M. Duggan, E. Zaborowski, S. Schwarzinger, H. J. Dyson, P. W. Wright (2001): Potential bias in NMR relaxation data introduced by peak intensity analysis of curve fitting methods, J. Biomol. NMR 21, 1-9.
S. Schwarzinger, G. J. A. Kroon, T. Foss, John Chung, P. E. Wright, H. J. Dyson (2001): Sequence Corrections for Random Coil Chemical Shifts, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 2970-2978.
S. Schwarzinger, M. Hartmann, P. Kremminger, N. Müller (2001): Hydrophobic forms of morphine-6-glucosides; Bioorg. Med. Chem. Let. 11, 1455-1459.
S. Schwarzinger, G. J. A. Kroon, T. Foss, P. E. Wright, H. J. Dyson (2000): Random Coil Chemical Shifts in acidic 8 M Urea, J. Biomol. NMR 18, 43-48.
R. Grandori, S. Schwarzinger, N. Müller (2000): Cloning, Overexpression and Characterization of Micro-Myoglobin, a Minimal Heme-Binding Fragment, Eur. J. of Biochem. 267, 1168-1172.
S. Schwarzinger, W. Ahrer, N. Müller (2000): Proteolytic preparation of a heme binding fragment from sperm whale myoglobin: micro-myoglobin, Chemical Monthly 131, 409-416.
C. Etzlstorfer, H. Falk, E. Mayr, and S. Schwarzinger (1996): Concerning the Acidity and Hydrogenbonding of Hydroxyphenanthroperylene Quinones like Fringelite D, Hypericin, and Stentorin, Chemical Monthly 127, 1229-1237.
Book Chapters:S.
Schwarzinger, D. Willbold, J.
Ziegler: Structural Studies of Prion Proteins, in: Prions in Humans and Animals.
Eds: B. Hörnlimann, D. Riesner & H. Kretzschmar, W. De Gruyter, Berlin, New
York, 2006.
1) "Prion Propagation: Novel
Insights into Mechanism and Therapeutic Strategies", Institut für
Biochemie, Erlangen, Mai 2006.
2) "Rare subdomain motions in
prion protein can initiate aggregation", Symposium Evolution of
Biomolecular Structure, Wien, Mai 2006.
3) "Bio-NMR: Struktur und
Dynamik (gefalteter und) ungeordneter Proteine", Böhringer-Ingelheim GmbH,
Biberach/Riß, September 2005.
4) " Bio-NMR: Struktur und
Dynamik (gefalteter und) ungeordneter Proteine ", Institut für
Biomolekulare Optik, LMU, München, Dezember 2004.
5) "Lessons from Urea-Denatured
Proteins Studies by NMR-Spectroscopy", Tagung des Gradiertenkollegs "Protein Interaktionen" der
Universität Erlangen, Gosberg, Dezember 2004.
6) "Advanced Processing and
Assignment in Biomolecular NMR", NMR-Wintercourse, Nove Hrady, Februar
7) "Evidence for Binding of
Tricyclic Aromatic Compounds to Helix 1 of Prion Protein", 5th
International Conference on Molecular Structural Biology, Wien, September 2003.
8) "Residual Structure in
Denatured Proteins Characterized by NMR", IMB-Symposium Protein Folding –
Principles and Pathological Implications, IMP, Jena, September 2002.
9) "Early Events in
Protein-Folding: NMR-Studies of Urea Denatured Apomyoglobin",
Clark-University, Worcester, MA, Juli 2002.
10) "Einblicke in frühe
Ereignisse der Proteinfaltung mittles NMR an ungefalteten Proteinen",
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Juni 2002.
11) "Proteinfolding and
NMR", TU Wien, September 2000.
12) "NMR-Characterization of
Urea-Unfolded Myoglobin", Universität Bayreuth, Oktober 2000.
Talks at Conferences and Meetings:
1) "Seeking
the right candidate – NMR in anti-prion drug development", Tagung der
Volkswagen-Stiftung, Heidelberg , Oktober 2005.
2) "Bindung
von tricyclischen Aromaten an PrP-Helix 1", Bayerische Forschungsplattform
ForPrion, München, Juli 2003.
3) "NMR
Studien zur Strukturumwandlung des Prion-Proteins - Fragment 110-157",
Bayerische Forschungsplattform ForPrion, Wildbad-Kreuth, Juli 2002.
4) "NMR
Studien zur Strukturumwandlung des Prion-Proteins - Helix A", Deutsche
TSE-Plattform, Berlin, Juni 2002.